
Climate and weather data visualization

Here is a collection of tools designed to help you explore atmospheric and climate science through data visualization.

Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas

IPCC AR6 WGI Interactive Atlas

Climate Explorer

NASA Worldview

Meteorological and climate modeling and observational datasets

Interested in exploring the meteorological and climate patterns by yourself? Here are some global and regional datasets to get you started.


ERA5 provides hourly and monthly estimates for a wide range of atmospheric, land, and oceanic climate variables, with global coverage.


CMIP brings together climate models from centers worldwide to compare results and improves understanding of past and future climate changes from natural and human influences.


CORDEX coordinates regional climate downscaling from reanalyses and CMIPs, covering Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas, Europe, and nearby oceans.


WorldClim is a high-resolution global weather and climate dataset that provides monthly temperature and precipitation data for different periods.

To be continued…


Some useful scripting tools can assist with your coding tasks!


A Vim/Neovim plugin that allows you to run Python code in the IPython interactive terminal shell. It’s on GitHub!

To be continued…