Ph.D. in Physical Geography, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dissertation: Towards an improved understanding of precipitation variations over the Tibetan Plateau.
Advisor: Dr. Deliang Chen
M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA
Dissertation: An observation and modeling study of Arctic multilayered mixed-phase boundary layer clouds.
Co-advisors: Dr. Eugene E. Clothiaux and Dr. Fuqing Zhang
Work experience
2023 – present
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2018 – 2021
Chapter Scientist, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group I Chapter 1
Responsibilities: Assisted the Coordinating Lead Authors in coordinating the communications and schedules, as well as supporting the author team in compiling chapter contributions.
2014 – 2015
Research Assistant, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taiwan
Responsibilities: Applied data assimilation (DA) to assimilate GPS radio occultation into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model to improve tropical cyclone simulation with Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system.
Liu, X., M. Yang, T. Ou, H.-W. Lai, F. Wen, N. Dong, H. Wang, and D. Chen, 2025: Enhancing summer atmospheric water cycle simulations in the Three-River Headwaters Region via dynamical downscaling. Atmos. Res., 314, 107810, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107810.
Collier, E., N. Ban, N. Richter, B. Ahrens, D. Chen, X. Chen, H.-W. Lai, R. Leung, L. Li, A. Medvedova, T. Ou, P. K. Pothapakula, E. Potter, A. F. Prein, K. Sakaguchi, M. Schroeder, P. Singh, S. Sobolowski, S. Sugimoto, J. Tang, H. Yu and C. Ziska, 2024: The first ensemble of kilometer-scale simulations of a hydrological year over the third pole. Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07291-2.
Lai, H.-W., D. Chen, and H. W. Chen, 2024: Precipitation variability related to atmospheric circulation patterns over the Tibetan Plateau. Int. J. Climatol., 44(1), doi:10.1002/joc.8317.
Chen, D. and H.-W. Lai, 2023: Water and Climate Change. In Hellberg, S., Söderbaum, F., Swain, A., & Öjendal, J. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Water and Development (1st ed.). Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781003095545-28.
Lin, Q., J. Chen, T. Ou, H.-W. Lai, A. F. Prein, and D. Chen, 2023: Performance of the WRF model at the convection‐permitting scale in simulating snowfall and lake‐effect snow over the Tibetan Plateau. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 128(16), e2022JD038433, doi:10.1029/2022JD038433.
Kukulies J.*, H.-W. Lai*, J. Curio, Z. Feng, C. Lin, P. Li, T. Ou, S. Sugimoto, and D. Chen, 2023: Mesoscale convective systems in the third pole region: Characteristics, mechanisms and impact on precipitation. Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1143380, doi:10.3389/feart.2023.1143380. (*share the first authorship)
Ou, T., D. Chen, J. Tang, C. Lin, X. Wang, J. Kukulies, and H.-W. Lai, 2023: Wet bias of summer precipitation in the northwestern Tibetan Plateau in ERA5 is linked to weakened lower-level southerly wind over the plateau. Clim Dyn, 61, 2139-2153, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06672-3.
Prein, A. F., N. Ban, T. Ou, J. Tang, K. Sakaguchi, E. Collier, S. Jayanarayanan, L. Li, S. Sobolowski, X. Chen, X. Zhou, H.-W. Lai, S. Sugimoto, L. Zou, S. Hasson, M. Ekstrom, P. K. Pothapakula, B. Ahrens, R. Stuart, H. C. Steen-Larsen, R. Leung, D. Belusic, J. Kukulies, J. Curio and D. Chen, 2022: Towards Ensemble-Based Kilometer-Scale Climate Simulations over the Third Pole Region. Clim Dyn, 60, 4055-4081, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06543-3.
Ehlers, T. A., D. Chen, E. Appel, T. Bolch, F. Chen, B. Diekmann, M. A. Dippold, M. Giese, G. Guggenberger, H.-W. Lai, X. Li, J. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, G. Miehe, V. Mosbrugger, A. Mulch, S. Piao, A. Schwalb, L. G. Thompson, Z. Su, H. Sun, T. Yao, X. Yang, K. Yang and L. Zhu, 2022: Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost. Earth-Sci. Rev, 234, 104197, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104197.
Shaw, T. E., E. S. Miles, D. Chen, A. Jouberton, M. Kneib, S. Fugger, T. Ou, H.-W. Lai, K. Fujita, W. Yang, S. Fatichi and F. Pellicciotti, 2022: Multi-decadal monsoon characteristics and glacier response in high mountain Asia. Environ. Res. Lett., 17(10), 104001, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac9008.
Slättberg, N., H.-W. Lai, X. Chen, Y. Ma, and D. Chen, 2022: Spatial and temporal patterns of planetary boundary layer height during 1979–2018 over the Tibetan Plateau using ERA5. Int. J. Climatol., 42(6), 3360-3377, doi:10.1002/joc.7420.
Pang, G., D. Chen, X. Wang, and H.-W. Lai, 2022: Spatiotemporal variations of land surface albedo and associated influencing factors on the Tibetan Plateau. Sci. Total Environ., 804, 150100, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150100.
Chen, D. and H.-W. Lai, 2021, Interpretation of the IPCC AR6 WGI report in terms of its context, structure, and methods. Climate Change Research, 17(6), 636-643, doi:10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.224.
Minola, L., H. Reese, H.-W. Lai, C. Azorin-Molina, J. A. Guijarro, S.-W. Son, and D. Chen, 2021: Wind stilling-reversal across Sweden: The impact of land-use and large-scale atmospheric circulation changes. Int. J. Climatol., 42(2), 1049-1071, doi:10.1002/joc.7289.
Lai, H.-W., H. W. Chen, J. Kukulies, T. Ou, and D. Chen 2021: Regionalization of seasonal precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and associated large-scale atmospheric systems. J. Clim., 34(7), 2635-2651, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0521.1.
Ou, T., D. Chen, X. Chen, C. Lin, K. Yang, H.-W. Lai, and F. Zhang, 2020: Simulation of summer precipitation diurnal cycles over the Tibetan Plateau at the gray-zone grid spacing for cumulus parameterization. Clim. Dyn., 54, 3525–3539, doi:10.1007/s00382-020-05181-x.
Lai, H.-W., F. Zhang, E. E. Clothiaux, D. R. Stauffer, B. J. Gaudet, J. Verlinde, and D. Chen, 2020: Modeling Arctic Boundary Layer Cloud Streets at Grey-zone Resolutions. Adv. Atoms. Sci., 37(1), 42-56, doi:10.1007/s00376-019-9105-y.
He, J., F. Zhang, X. Chen, X. Bao, D. Chen, H. M. Kim, H.-W. Lai, L. R. Leung, X. Ma, Z. Meng, T. Ou, Z. Xiao, E.-G. Yang, and K. Yang, 2019: Development and evaluation of an ensemble-based data assimilation system for regional reanalysis over the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 11, 2503-2522, doi:10.1029/2019MS001665.
2018 – 2021
Contributing Author to IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group I Chapter 1
Graphical contribution to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (KVA) publication: Vetenskapen säger – om klimatet
Reviewer to the journals: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Climate Dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrometeorology
Honors and Scholarships
European Meteorological Society (EMS) Young Scientist Conference Award to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2024
The Letterstedt prize for influential scientific research from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Letterstedtska maktpåliggandepriset from Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien)
Travel scholarship from Adlerbertska Stipendiestiftelsen
Travel fund to International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2019
Research fund from Professor Sven Lindqvists forskningsstiftelse för doktorandstudier
Chi Epsilon Pi, the National Meteorology Honor Society
Scholarship from Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
(Advanced) Python, MATLAB
(Intermediate) Git, Fortran, LaTeX
(Basic) Bash shell, R, QGIS
NCL, Inkscape
(Native) Mandarin, Taiwanese (Hokkien)
(Fluent) English
(Basic) Swedish (B1)
Investigating the Diurnal Cycle of Summer Precipitation over Mainland Southeast Asia: Insights from Dynamic downscaling Simulations (poster), EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-25,
The role of westerlies in precipitation variability over the Tibetan Plateau (oral presentation), 2nd Swedish Climate Symposium, Sweden.
High-resolution atmospheric simulation of precipitation over mainland Southeast Asia (poster), VII Convective Permitting Climate Modelling workshop 2023, Norway.
Precipitation variations and related atmospheric processes over the Tibetan Plateau (invited talk), 21 Feb 2023, Department of Atmospheric Science, National Central University, Taiwan.
Regionalization of seasonal precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (oral presentation), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13259,
Downscaled summer convective activities and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau through ensemble-based data assimilation (poster), International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2019, China.
Sensitivity of Arctic boundary layer cloud streets to modeling resolution (poster), AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA
An observation and modeling study of a multi-layered Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer cloud (poster), 2018 ARM/ASR PI meeting, Virginia, USA.
Dynamic and thermodynamic processes in a multi-layered Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer cloud: A case study (poster), 2017 Gordon Research Conferences/Seminar on Radiation and Climate, Maine, USA.
Apply modeling and polarimetric radar studies of single- and multi-layered Arctic mixed-phase clouds. (poster), 2017 ARM/ASR PI meeting, Virginia, USA.
Evaluation of GPS Radio Occultation Data Impact in the Upper Air for Typhoon Prediction. (oral presentation), The International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taiwan.
Apply GSMaP Global Rainfall Data to Improve I-TRaP Approach over Taiwan. (oral presentation), 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Indonesia.