Author: hwlai
Letterstedtska Maktpåliggandepriset
It was my honor to receive Letterstedtska Maktpåliggandepriset 2024 from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien)!
Young Scientist Conference Award
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the awards committee of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) for awarding me the Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA).
冰凍北半球 – 極地渦旋
前陣子的新聞都在報導極地渦旋(polar vortex)侵襲北半球,歐洲北美和亞洲許多地方都在強烈冷氣團的籠罩下😰 報導的內容大部分是解釋由於平流層驟暖(sudden stratospheric warming)、渦旋減弱,結果極區冷空氣侵襲南方(如右下圖),這樣的氣流與氣壓的變動關係又稱為北極振盪(Arctic Oscillation)。